Our Books are Open

Creating secrets out of facts is detrimental to trust and accountability. We will follow the general rule that financial information will be open to the Cadence OneFive community unless there’s a specific reason doing so would harm the company or individuals

Operating Model

The operating model simply tells the story of what we are doing in dollars and cents. It is available to all permanent employees via Causal. It’s really important that everyone understands the assumptions and drivers in our operating model because these are the metrics that keep us on our path to short-term success. Please make sure that you understand it!


We aspire to a sensible, transparent, and equitable compensation structure. The key questions in compensation are:

  1. Are people making what they need to make be happy at work?

  2. Are we able to hire the people we need to succeed as a company and in our mission?

Here are the rules as they stand today:

  • Regular employees are paid a minimum of $65,000 in a full-time position or 110% of the hourly equivalent, if part-time. The minimum salary is ported over from SWA, but we will benchmark and update it as needed.

  • Interns are paid $20/hr (current undergrads or residing outside NYC) and $25/hr (post-undergrad and/or residing in NYC)

  • People in the same job (i.e. responsibilities) make the same salary

  • We will avoid creating unnecessary difference in pay scales for tech, sales, and non-tech staff. For example, a generalist (our entry-level tier) in HR won’t make less than a generalist in sales.

  • Bonuses, if we have them (and in the company’s discretion), will be company-wide, not individual and they will be progressively structured so that the pool is equitably shared.

  • Cost of living adjustments and raises (i.e pay rate increases by class) will be made through an advice process, contingent on company’s over-all financial outlook, as determined by the company in its sole discretion.

  • We don’t have merit pay increases. We do, however, recognize that people’s life situations change in ways that change their comp needs. If you need a comp adjustment outside of our advice process, contact HR.